15th European Historic
Grand Prix
Circuit Terleamen
Zolder 11-12-13 aug 1989
RACE 2 GT'S (-1961)

Denis Welch (GB) (R.I.P). in zijn beroemde 6200NO Austin Healey


Sir Lindsay Owen Jones

Stefano Durelli

Jan Rorije

Mark Schmidt ^

Fiete van der Grinten ^

Gerben van Dijk / Roland Zoomers

De Start....

Yess... the NO :)

Ben Konst ^

Lights on...

de Finishvlag...

2nd Sir Lindsay Owen Jones

Lindsay Owen Jones / #51 Denis Welch: Winner / Fr.Stanguelini

RACE 4 Prototypes & Eenzitters

#47 Fabrizio Violati nu in zijn Ferrari 330 P3 1966

#45 David Piper in zijn P2 Barchetta

Campidoglio / Club Italia Ferrari L.M's

#45 David Piper in zijn P2 Barchetta (Photo's)

#27 Ben Aders Ginetta 1961 ^

#25 Bandini

Prachtige Momenten...David versus Fabrizio

Jem Marsh Marcos 1960 ^

Ad den Teuling in zijn Elva uit 1963

#45 David Piper P2 Barchetta 1966/ #47 Fabrizio Violati P3 1966

#45 David Piper in zijn P2 Barchetta

The Winner !

Living Legends David Piper meets his Le Mans Friend Jean "Beurlys" Blaton
*Jean "Beurlys" Blaton at Zandvoort 1986 & Zandvoort 1987

What a great Legendary Event !

Bye Bye... David...

Franco Meiners
Ferrari Club Italia

#34 Francois Berges: Lotus / #2 Steve Hitchins: Lotus

RACE 5: Pirelli Maranello Ferrari Challenge

Scuderia M.O. => Sponsored by his Wife :)


#61 De Start

#15 Klaas Zwart

M.O. at Full Speed !

#61 Just Floor it ! :)

The Finish...

...and The Winner was *Klaas Zwart : Ferrari 308 GTB 1976

*Klaas Zwart is een rijke zakenman uit Nederland.
In 1951 werd hij geboren en begon de benzine al vrij snel door zijn aderen te stromen.
Hij noemt zichzelf een echte auto-, motor-, racegek.
In de offshore business heeft hij goede zaken gedaan.
Zijn bedrijf hield zich voornamelijk bezig met het verbeteren van benzine- en olie-installaties.
Door de verkoop van zijn bedrijf heeft hij € 150 miljoen euro geïncasseerd,
waarvan hij toen € 10 miljoen onder de werknemers heeft verdeeld.
In 2009 heeft de Quote zijn vermogen geschat op € 100 miljoen euro,
waarmee hij op nummer 257 van de Quote 500 staat.
Door zijn liefde voor auto’s ontwerpt Zwart zijn eigen supercar, de Ascari KZ1.
Verder legt hij in het millenniumjaar 2000 een privécircuit aan in Ronda,
een plaats in Zuid-Spanje, en doopt het tot “Ascari Race Resort“.
Zwart heeft een enorme collectie auto’s waaronder zijn verzameling
van oude Ferrari F1 bolides.
(Bron: Autowiki)

It's not Leaking !

It was just it's place ! :)

RACE : 6

Reng deng deng....

De Start ...

#35 Devin

#24 Porsche 1960

#26 David Ham (GB) HWM Alta F2 1952

#26 David Ham (GB) HWM Alta F2 1952
DAVID HAM (GB) Met zijn HWM Alta F2 1960 cc uit 1952
Hersham and Walton Motors (HWM) is the world's longest
established Aston Martin business
(having acquired the franchise in 1951) and
is well known as a racing car constructor.
As a constructor, it is best known for its involvement in
Formula Two from 1950 to 1953 and Formula one in 1954.
Then HWM owners George Abecassis and John Heath went
racing together from 1946 and in 1948 they built a
streamlined sports racing car on the chassis of a Sports Alta,
and thus embarked upon the construction of racing cars
and racing sports cars at their motor works
in Walton-on-Thames, England.
The 1948 car gave them encouraging results and so new car,
this time called an HW-Alta, was constructed and raced in 1949;
this car was sufficiently successful to convince the partners
to embark upon building a full team of cars for the 1950
Formula Two season of British and continental events:
these cars were known as HWM's.
From 1950 to 1952, HWM achieved remarkable success in Formula Two
for a team that was run on very little money and yet which faced the might
of continental marques in every race. By 1953 they were outclassed,
but when the international Formula changed in 1954,
John Heath constructed a works car to compete in Formula One.
HWM abandoned the new formula One after two appearances
as their car was seriously outclassed.
Meanwhile, the first Jaguar-engined HWM sports racing car
had appeared in 1953, and this had some success with George Abecassis
at the wheel. From then on until 1957, the team was involved in sports car
racing both in Britain and on the continent, sometimes beating their
Jaguar and Aston Martin Works competitors.
After John Heath was killed on the 1956 Mille Miglia in Italy
in an HWM Works car, Abecassis did not wish to continue and
the works racing programmme continued for just a year.
established Aston Martin business
(having acquired the franchise in 1951) and
is well known as a racing car constructor.
As a constructor, it is best known for its involvement in
Formula Two from 1950 to 1953 and Formula one in 1954.
Then HWM owners George Abecassis and John Heath went
racing together from 1946 and in 1948 they built a
streamlined sports racing car on the chassis of a Sports Alta,
and thus embarked upon the construction of racing cars
and racing sports cars at their motor works
in Walton-on-Thames, England.
The 1948 car gave them encouraging results and so new car,
this time called an HW-Alta, was constructed and raced in 1949;
this car was sufficiently successful to convince the partners
to embark upon building a full team of cars for the 1950
Formula Two season of British and continental events:
these cars were known as HWM's.
From 1950 to 1952, HWM achieved remarkable success in Formula Two
for a team that was run on very little money and yet which faced the might
of continental marques in every race. By 1953 they were outclassed,
but when the international Formula changed in 1954,
John Heath constructed a works car to compete in Formula One.
HWM abandoned the new formula One after two appearances
as their car was seriously outclassed.
Meanwhile, the first Jaguar-engined HWM sports racing car
had appeared in 1953, and this had some success with George Abecassis
at the wheel. From then on until 1957, the team was involved in sports car
racing both in Britain and on the continent, sometimes beating their
Jaguar and Aston Martin Works competitors.
After John Heath was killed on the 1956 Mille Miglia in Italy
in an HWM Works car, Abecassis did not wish to continue and
the works racing programmme continued for just a year.


#40 Ludek Munzar Tatra Tatraplan Sport, Tsjecho-Slowakije 1951 :
De open tweezitter racewagen (spin), achter de motor en achterwielaandrijving. Luchtgekoelde V8 motor (Tatra 603) met OHV, het volume van 2545 cc, boring van 75 mm en een slag van 72 mm prestaties Onbekend. Vier-versnellingsbak, de wielbasis 2.400 mm, gewicht ongeveer 850 kg en een maximum snelheid van 225 km / h.
Racewagen Tatraplan Sport nam deel aan nationale competities sinds 1949. Oorspronkelijk was de platte viercilinder 2.0 L, in 1951 kreeg een T603 motor V8 2.5 L. 1953 crashte en werd vernietigd. Renovatie vond plaats in 1988 en de auto reed een beroemde acteur Ludek Munzar, één in zijn categorie in 1989 werd de Europese kampioen in race oldtimers.
(Bron: Muzeum Lany)

#41 Talbot 1957

#26 David Ham (GB) HWM Alta F2 1952

#28 Gunnar Elmgren (S) in zijn prachtige Maserati 6CM 1936

Tatra Racing

#28 Gunnar Elmgren (S) in zijn prachtige Maserati 6CM 1936

#41 Talbot 1957

#35 Devin 1958

^ #36 Lister Jaguar 1959

#2 Gemini 1959

de Finishvlag...

#35 Alex Quattlebaum : Devin SS 1956 Winner !

#35 Alex Quattlebaum (USA) : Devin 1956


Dragers: VIDEO-8
TAPENR: 080 Videofootage:1.32.46 min
TAPENR: 081 Videofootage:1.32.40 min
TAPENR: 082 Videofootage:0.16.05 min

- SP- 123 GT