The London-Sydney Marathon 1993

established his company as an organiser of modern endurance rallies
with a 25th anniversary re-run of the marathon in 1993.
He persuaded 21 drivers who had competed in 1968 to return,
including Andrew Cowan and Roger Clark,
and altogether 106 teams from 17 countries entered.
Cowan drove the same car as the first time,
having his Hillman Hunter loaned to him by the Scottish Automobile
Club museum, while other competitors drove pre-1970 era cars.
The entry fee was £12,900, and the estimated cost
of participating was put at £45,000.
The 16,000 km rally had three major differences to its ancestor.
First, the changing political climate in the Middle East meant that several
countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan were now out of bounds,
although in Europe, Turkey and Australia
much of the original route was retraced.
Also, the old scheduled open road sections were replaced
with more modern timed special stages for safety reasons.
Finally, with the demise of the great passenger liners there would be
no great voyage across the Indian Ocean to Australia,
Brittan instead negotiating for two Antonov An-124
cargo planes to take the vehicles to Australia.
The winning driver was Francis Tuthill in a Porsche 911,
ahead of the Ford Falcon GT of Ian Vaughan who finished third in 1968.
Kenya's Mike Kirkland, a stalwart of the Safari Rally,
took the final place on the podium in a Peugeot 504.
(Source: Wikipedia)

Because it is a very long report,
and they have to scroll too much,
I break it down into at least Five Parts ...
and they have to scroll too much,
I break it down into at least Five Parts ...

In 1968 werd de 1e London-Sydney Marathon verreden,
georganiseerd door Daily Express & Sunday Telegraph,
25 jaar later werd dit nog eens over gedaan
in de vorm van de 3e Editie London Sydney Marathon 1993.

De Start in London
Equipe #15 Paul van Doorne - David van Lennep

Equipe #15 Paul van Doorne - David van Lennep

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TROS TV: (Producent-Presentator: Hein van Nievelt &
Cameraman: Raymond Haverlag waren dus ook aan de slag)


#1 Andrew Cowan-Syer Hillman Hunter GB

#2 Roger Clark-Moy Ford Escort GB

#3 Vaughan-Lake Ford Falcon AUS

#4 Morris-Stapleton Morgan +8 GB

Equipe #15 Paul van Doorne - David van Lennep

Equipe #15 Paul van Doorne - David van Lennep

pakte in Belgie de draad op en ging naar Stage: Tihange
voor wat Videofilmopnamen van waaruit nu
een ruim aantal DVC Pro CCD III Videosnaphots
en wat foto's...aldaar...

TROS TV: (Producent-Presentator: Hein van Nievelt &
Cameraman: Raymond Haverlag waren dus ook aan de slag)


#1 Andrew Cowan-Syer Hillman Hunter GB
Winner 1968: Andrew Cowan

#3 Vaughan-Lake Ford Falcon AUS

#4 Morris-Stapleton Morgan +8 GB

#5 Lister-Edwards Volvo 144S AUS

#6 Ipatenko-Vodianitski Moskovitch-YO8 Russia

#6 Ipatenko-Vodianitski Moskovitch-YO8 Russia

#7 Green-Green Ford Escort AUS

#8 Shavelev-Dolbish Moskovitch-YO8 Russia

#9 McClintock-Dunn Peugeot-404 Eire

#10 Vanson-Costen Peugeot-504 France

#11 Brittan-Thomas Ford Escort GB/AUS

#12 Dickson-Loweree AMC Rambler USA

#13 Preston-Hampson Rover 2000 TC GB
#14 Hunter-Bowden Porsche 911 GB

Equipe #15 Paul van Doorne - David van Lennep DAF 55 Holland

Equipe #15 Paul van Doorne - David van Lennep DAF 55 Holland

Equipe #15 Paul van Doorne - David van Lennep DAF 55 Holland
#16 Harrison-Proudlock Ford Cortina MKII GB

#17 Bell-Kingsley Volvo 144S GB

#18 Vipond-Kolodotschko Mercedes 220SE GB

#19 Reynolds-West Volkswagen Type 1 AUS

#20 Wilson-Harper Rolls-Royce AUS

#21 King-Wadman Hillman Hunter GB

#22 Hodgson-Lawton Ford Falcon XT AUS

#23 Sugden-McCrudden Ford Cortina MK II GB

#24 Rogers-Hall Ford Cortina GT MK II GB

#25 Hall-Hall Ford Escort GB

#26 Anderson-Ryan Alfa Romeo Giulia AUS

#27 Hirons-Lindsey Alfa Romeo GTV AUS

#28 Summer-Durham Morgan +4 GB/AUS

#30 Dunkerton-Mansson Ford Falcon GT AUS

Equipe #31 Erik Leerdam-Jan van der Heijden Peugeot 404 Holland

Equipe #31 Erik Leerdam-Jan van der Heijden Peugeot 404 Holland

#32 Dixon-Wait Ford Zephyr MK II GB

#33 Hogson-Brooks Mercedes 220SE GB

#34 Campbell-Williams Hillman Hunter GB

#35 Finigan-Marjoram Ford Lotus Cortina GT MK II GB

#36 Pearce-Beukes MG MGB GT S.Africa

#37 Dalgaro-Taylor Ford Lotus Cortina MK I GB

#38 Stamm-Stamm MG MGB Germany

#39 Redding-Perris Ford Escort MK I GB

#40 Harvey-Griffiths Porsche 911S GB

#41 Lamb-Malcom Holden HR AUS

#42 Simek-Lendecky Skoda 1100 MB Czech

#43 Ketelbey-Ketelbey Ford Mustang AUS

#44 Paterson-North Volvo Amazon GB

#45 Rainsford-Rainsford Ford Mustang AUS

#46 Kotek-Sedivy Skoda 1100 MB Czech

#47 Bevan-Furness Volvo 144S AUS

#48 Almond-Fisher Datsun 1600 AUS

#49 Short-Starkey Ford Escort GB

#50 Cajani-Macellari Alfa Romeo Gilulia Ti GB

#51 Tuthill-Showell Porsche 911 GB

#52 Tokugawa-Kamei Ford Escort MK I Japan

#53 Johnson-Johnson Ford Mustang GT AUS
Go to Part II
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Ad van Geel : Startphoto's London