The Automobile World Exhibition from
10th - 14th April 2019
Gruga Hallen Essen

10th - 14th April 2019
Gruga Hallen Essen

Victrace Retro Media was er in 1985 & 1988
(* welliswaar de Essen Motor Show) al bij.

Victrace Retro Media was er dit jaar,
10 april 2019, op de Preview Day weer present.
31st TECHNO-CLASSICA ESSEN 2019 – the automobile world exhibition
from 10th* until 14th April 2019
The number 1 of the classic fairs: pioneer and example or a lot
of vintage-car exhibitions.
Official historical company presentations:he most important classic fair:
more than 2,700 collector’s cars for purchase,
more than 1,250 exhibitors, more than 220 clubs and communities of interest.
more than 1,250 exhibitors, more than 220 clubs and communities of interest.
*10th April 2019: Preview, Happy View Day
From 10th until 14th April 2019 with the Techno-Classica Essen the S.I.H.A.
From 10th until 14th April 2019 with the Techno-Classica Essen the S.I.H.A.
organises the classic fair with the greatest success and most visitors of
the world for the 30th time. Organised as first great German car-salon for
vintage-cars, connoisseurs- and collector’s-vehicles in February 1989
it was, and is, an often copied, but never reached, example for a lot of other
events of this type. With constant model up-keeping measures it has kept its
pioneer role and even still extended – and, nevertheless, remained the unique original.
Its recipe for success:
To present to the visitors always the newest of the international
scene as selection of the best from all fields of the classic hobby.
Victrace Retro Media was er dit jaar,
10 april 2019, op de Preview Day weer present.
Motoring George.

Because it is a very long report, and they have to scroll too much,
I break it down into 2 parts …I'll still hope you will enjoy it !


Because it is a very long report, and they have to scroll too much,
I break it down into 2 parts …I'll still hope you will enjoy it !


"MR APP" Driftig Baasje … AMG Mercedes-Benz GT63 s
De twin-turbo 4.0-liter V8, 4 Matic-vierwielaandrijving
en negentraps automaat worden geleend van de E 63.
Net als bij die auto komen er S- en niet-S-versies
van deze GT 63 – de eerste krijgt meer vermogen
(639 pk en tegen 585 pk af 212.533 Euri)

We werden verwacht... 😎

MG MG RV8 190 PK Top 217 km/u
Rhd (1993-1995)

MG RV8 (Debutant)

Goed Geregeld...

Dit keer we waren we de eerste niet...

Wat een Welkom !
(Bouwjaar : 1915* De piano 😉)

Manfred Hogle uit Tulin, Oostenrijk was
er ook weer...

"de Landkaart "


Oh ok dan in Cabrio's !

Nee het was geen Dinky...

Heya Oude bekenden...
*maar Uwe Schaper zelf was er dit keer niet 😒

Volvo 120 Amazon 1966

Volvo with limousine tradition The Swedish Volvo brand is gathering more
than 90 years of limousine tradition at its stand in Hall 3: from the first limousine,
the PV4 from 1927, to the latest S60, which was launched this spring.
The exhibits include, for example, a 1966 “Amazon” and a 1981 240 Turbo.
The star is the Volvo PV 36 “Carioca” from 1935, named after a South American dance.
The Person Vagn formerly owned by Volvo co-founder and engineer Gustaf Larson
was in the centre of the factory stand, in the original condition with a fantastic patina.

Volvo PV4-serie 28 pk 1929
Het is de gesloten versie van Volvo's eerste auto, de Volvo ÖV4,
welke als cabriolet niet erg succesvol bleek in het Zweedse klimaat.
In tegenstelling tot de afkorting ÖV
(öppen vagn - open wagen) staat PV voor "personvagn" - personenwagen.
De PV4 had een versnellingsbak met 3 versnellingen en de motor had
een cilinderinhoud van 1944 cm³ met een vermogen van 28 pk.
Het plaatwerk van de PV4 bestond uit kunstleer,
als optie ook uit echt leder, op het houten frame,
en niet zoals gebruikelijk in deze tijd uit staal.
Deze bleek echter niet waterdicht, waardoor het houten frame
van de auto na een tijd begon te rotten.
Een handig detail was dat de binnenkant van de auto
tot een plank kon worden uitgeklapt,
wat eventuele overnachtingskosten kon besparen.
De productie begon in de zomer van 1927.
De verkoopaantallen waren beter dan bij de ÖV4,
maar nog steeds niet erg overtuigend.
Hierdoor volgde in de herfst van 1928 de PV4 Special,
die met vloeiendere lijnen en een overzichtelijkere
achterruit ontworpen was.
Door de lange motorkap leek de auto bovendien sportiever.
Naast deze twee modellen kwam de PV4 handelsreiswagen op de markt,
een speciale versie van de PV4 Special, die een grotere achterdeur had.
Hij kan gezien worden als de eerste Volvo-stationwagon.

PV36 "Carioca" 1936 genoemd naar een Zuid-Afrikaanse dans.
Deze Personewagen behoorde tot de Mede-oprichter en Engineer
van Volvo, Gustaf Larson in nog geheel orginele patina.

De allernieuwste Volvo S60 ...Lente 2019
Volvo 244 "Flatnose" Turbo 1981
Volvo 244 "Flatnose" Turbo 1981
(AutoRAI 5 Februari 1981)
Volvo 244 "Flatnose" Turbo 1981

#2 De Eggenberger


#2 de Eggenberger Volvo 240 Turbo

Volvo 245 "T4-R Victrace Shooting Brake
Turbeau Estate" 1982
op weg naar de Nurburgring.


Volvo 850 T5-R 19955 Cylinders...

A Volvo 850 RTS T5 ``RR``Turbeau Turbo
Black Stone Estate Sportswagon 1994
- Worstwielen -
Mercedes-Benz SSK
Zeer fraaie Mercedes-Benz 280 SL
#32 Mercedes Benz 280 SL pagode rallye

Mercedes-Benz Simplex 1903
Mercedes-Benz Simplex 1903
Mercedes-Benz Worldrecord Car
W125 1938
^Mercedes-Benz C111-III 1978
& de C111D 1976 ^^
Diesel Worldrecord Cars
Mercedes-Benz C111 III Gullwing 1969
Mercedes-Benz C111 III Gullwing 1969
Mercedes-Benz C111 experimental vehicle
Development of the shape.
Mercedes-Benz C111 experimental vehicle
Mercedes-Benz C111 -II 1970
Mercedes-Benz C111 -II 1970
Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwing 1954

(Bron: AutoRAI)
Aston Martin Vanquish Zagato Shooting Brake …



Volvo P1800 S

Via Caprera 31 Padova

Aan de Start op Prato del Valle Padova
#58 Uwe Schaper - Peter Brieskorn (D)
Volvo P1800 S
Volvo P1800 S

Le Mans Works Team Car
Louwman Collection
#5 Lagonda 4.5 Ltr 20 HP V12 1939
Le Mans Works Team Car
Louwman Collection

^^BMW 326 Cabriolet 1939 50 Pk (1936 -1941)

Mini Remastered
by David Brown Automotive
1275 cc 71 Pk Top 145 Km/hour

FORD GT 2018

Jaguar D-Type "longnose " 1958
(build 2017)

Ferrari F512 M

Testarossa Engine 4.9 Ltr V12

Ferrari 250 GT by Boano

Ferrari 250 GT II by Pininfarina

Piccola Grande Vettura = Little Great Car

Fiat Nuova 500 elaborazione Abarth 1957
*with Abarth "Record Tuning "
479 cc 26 HP/5000 toeren 120 km/uur

Maserati 300 S 1957

🎯 #27 Sir Stirling Moss 😇
in a Maserati 300 S 1955-1958 💨💨💨

Maserati 300 S (1955-1958)
3000 cc 6cyl. 245 Pk Top 270 Km/u

Maserati A6G-2000 1956

Maserati A6G-2000 (1950-1957)

#99 Maserati 4200 Trofeo (2001-2005)
4244 cc V8 420 PK Top 295 km/h

Aston Martin 2 litre Speed Model 1937

#31 Aston Martin DB 2 LML 1953
2580 cc 6 cyl.



Leuk voor het *plaatje!
(*Heeft welliswaar niks met HGPA te maken )

BMW 326 Roadster 1937
by Erdmann & Rossi

Schoonmoeder...boft maar ! 👵

"Baby" BMW 328

BMW 328

(Autovisie 1956)

BMW 507 1957

Morris Minor Cabrio 1964 24.770 euro

Ford Capri 2600 RS LWB Weslake 1972
2995cc V6 320 PK 210 Km/u

Ford Capri 2300 GT Mk I Cabriolet 1972

(Brochurescan) GS/E

#79 Opel Commodore GS/E

BMW Schnitzer : Dieter Quester
BMW E9 3.0 CSL 3.5 Tourenrennwagen 1974
" Batmobile "

BMW 2002 Turbo

BMW E9 (1968 to 1975)

BMW 3.0. CSL Batmobile




(Tipo 158/159:
8 cylinder 1479 cc 200/350/425 Pk)

Alfa Romeo Gran Premio
Tipo 159 Alfetta 1951

Many do not have it in mind anymore:
It was an Alfa Romeo Tipo 158 “Alfetta” which won
the first Formula 1 race ever in 1950 with Nino Farina.

Alfa Romeo Brabham BT45B 1977

Fiat 124 Sport Spider Abarth 1974

ROVER P6B Saloon 1975
3.5 Ltr V8 144 PK 22.500 Euro


Porsche 356B Rijkspolitie (NL)

Porsche 356A

Porche 911

"Chinese Eyes "

"badge engineering"
# 053 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud III 1964
"Chinese Eyes"Bienemann - Roos

Alfa Romeo's 2600 Spider 1962-1965

Fiat Abarth Monomille 982 cc

Fiat Abarth Monomille

Fiat Abarth 595 esseesse

Fiat 500 Carabinieri

Rene Heffels informeert over Classic Days

Morgan Club Deutschland:
Sektion Mitte

Cutaway Plus Six rectstreeks uit Malvern

#8 Chevron B12

Steve Mc Queen



Brough Superior V-Twin 1150 cc 1935

Vincent Black Shadow

Jaguar D-Type "longnose " 1958
(build 2017)

Ferrari F512 M

Testarossa Engine 4.9 Ltr V12

Ferrari 250 GT by Boano

Ferrari 250 GT II by Pininfarina

Piccola Grande Vettura = Little Great Car
FCA Heritage: Abarth
Abarth vehicles are handy and especially powerful but above all small and biting like the Scorpio – and have been for 70 years: Abarth & C. was founded in 1949 in Bologna by Carlo Abarth and Armando Scagliarini, but soon moved to Turin. In 1971, Abarth sold the company to Fiat. Until then, its cars had achieved up to 600 race and class victories annually, plus many world records. Representing the many small, snappy winning cars with the scorpion in their coat of arms, FCA Heritage presents the Fiat Nuova 500 elaborazione Abarth “Record”, which broke several world speed records in 1957 as the “piccola grande vettura”* for the Abarth anniversary.
Also on the FCA stand: a Fiat 500 elaborata Abarth from 1974.

Fiat 500 elaborata 1974
* upgraded with the Abarth 595 Classiche
engine tuning kit 27 Pk 120km/uur

Fiat Nuova 500 elaborazione Abarth 1957
*with Abarth "Record Tuning "
479 cc 26 HP/5000 toeren 120 km/uur

Maserati 300 S 1957

🎯 #27 Sir Stirling Moss 😇
in a Maserati 300 S 1955-1958 💨💨💨

Maserati 300 S (1955-1958)
3000 cc 6cyl. 245 Pk Top 270 Km/u

Maserati A6G-2000 1956

Maserati A6G-2000 (1950-1957)

#99 Maserati 4200 Trofeo (2001-2005)
4244 cc V8 420 PK Top 295 km/h

Aston Martin 2 litre Speed Model 1937

#31 Aston Martin DB 2 LML 1953
2580 cc 6 cyl.

#31 Aston Martin DB 2 LML 1953
2580 cc 6 cyl.



Leuk voor het *plaatje!
(*Heeft welliswaar niks met HGPA te maken )

BMW 326 Roadster 1937
by Erdmann & Rossi

Schoonmoeder...boft maar ! 👵

"Baby" BMW 328

BMW 328

(Autovisie 1956)

BMW 507 1957

Morris Minor Cabrio 1964 24.770 euro

Ford with birthday party “50 Years of Ford Capri”
Ford traditionally presents itself and its history in cooperation with
Ford traditionally presents itself and its history in cooperation with
the most important German Ford clubs at Techno-Classica Essen.

Ford Capri 2600 RS LWB Weslake 1972
2995cc V6 320 PK 210 Km/u

Ford Capri 2600 RS LWB Weslake 1972
2995cc V6 320 PK 210 Km/u

Ford Capri Turbo 1981
Cosworth BDA 4 Cyl. 1400 cc Turbomotor
1400cc 495 PK

Ford Capri 2300 GT Mk I Cabriolet 1972

(Brochurescan) GS/E

#79 Opel Commodore GS/E

BMW Schnitzer : Dieter Quester
BMW E9 3.0 CSL 3.5 Tourenrennwagen 1974
" Batmobile "

BMW 2002 Turbo

BMW E9 (1968 to 1975)

BMW 3.0. CSL Batmobile




(Tipo 158/159:
8 cylinder 1479 cc 200/350/425 Pk)

Alfa Romeo Gran Premio
Tipo 159 Alfetta 1951

Many do not have it in mind anymore:
It was an Alfa Romeo Tipo 158 “Alfetta” which won
the first Formula 1 race ever in 1950 with Nino Farina.

Alfa Romeo Gran Premio
Tipo 159 Alfetta 1951

Alfa Romeo Brabham BT45B 1977

Alfa Romeo Brabham BT45B 1977

Fiat 850 Spider

FCA Heritage: Reloaded By Creators

FCA Heritage: Reloaded By Creators
The initiative “Reloaded by Creators”, presented last year at Techno-Classica by FCA Heritage, is now firmly established: This is based on the offer to buy carefully selected classics directly from the original manufacturer – as delivered. The range includes vintage cars purchased from FCA Heritage, which have been restored to their original condition. Four examples of the “Reloaded by Creators” initiative will be on display at the large FCA Heritage stand in Hall 3, such as an Alfa Romeo 8C Spider from 2010: the roadster, built in a run of just 500 copies, has recently been overhauled in the Alfa Romeo Classiche workshops, issued with a certificate of authenticity and is for sale. The other “reloaded” classics also convince with the same qualities: a Fiat 124 Spider, a Pininfarina Spider Europa and an Alfa Romeo 8C Coupé.
Fiat 124 Sport Spider Abarth 1974
Credits: Herman Steentjes
# 54 Fiat 124 Sport Spider Abarth 1800 cc 1974 :
Herman Steentjes / Arnold Mol
Herman Steentjes / Arnold Mol

ROVER P6B Saloon 1975
3.5 Ltr V8 144 PK 22.500 Euro


Porsche 356B Rijkspolitie (NL)

Porsche 356A

Porche 911

"Chinese Eyes "

Bentley S3 Continental Drophead Coupe
by Mulliner/Park Ward 1964
by Mulliner/Park Ward 1964

"badge engineering"
# 053 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud III 1964
"Chinese Eyes"Bienemann - Roos

Alfa Romeo's 2600 Spider 1962-1965

(1989 )

Fiat Abarth Monomille 982 cc

Fiat Abarth Monomille

Fiat Abarth 595 esseesse

Fiat 500 Carabinieri

Rene Heffels informeert over Classic Days

Morgan Club Deutschland:
Sektion Mitte

Cutaway Plus Six rectstreeks uit Malvern

#8 Chevron B12

Steve Mc Queen


Brough Superior SS 80V-Twin 990 cc 1939 ^

Brough Superior V-Twin 1150 cc 1935

Vincent Black Shadow