
Victrace Retro Media
was o.m. in 2006 , 2012, 2013 en 2014
op de Utrechtse Motorbeurs.
op de Utrechtse Motorbeurs.
Because it is a very long report,
and they have to scroll too much,
I break it down into 2 parts ...
I'll still hope you will enjoy it
Because it is a very long report,
and they have to scroll too much,
I break it down into 2 parts ...
I'll still hope you will enjoy it

Edition 2015
Part II Standhouders & Clubs :

Indian Chief Vintage

Indian Chief Vintage

Indian Chief Vintage Thunder Stroke

Motorherberg Baton Rouge van de Gastvrije uitbaters
Ben van Beek & Hetty Everaarts in de Ardennen.

Ducati Scrambler 450 RT

Ducati Scrambler 450 1974

Ducati Scrambler 803 cc 2015

Yamaha racer

Trans Alp Club


" Globetrotter "

"Royal Oilfield" Bullet 500

Himalaya Motor Challenge

Op een originele Royal Enfield Bullet 500 cc dwars door de Himalaya
naar de hoogst berijdbare bergpas ter wereld


Super Chicken Blues

Harley Davidson

" Volveau"
Mee naar o.a. Sint-Petersburg, Baltische Staten,
Boedapest, Praag, Krakau, Het Reuzengebergte, Kroatië?

Motorclubs & Reizen dus...

De Laverda Club Nedrland

Laverda 75 Extra

Laverda 125 cc

Enkele Laverda racers

Ja..dat kan nog...

in Zweden....

Uit Zweden...

kan ook...

Benelli 750 Sei :
The Benelli 750 Sei was the first production motorcycle with a 6-cylinder
engine and had two model releases.
De Tomaso intended it to become Italy's premier sporting motorcycle
and wanted it badged as a Moto Guzzi.
On its launch, it received tremendous publicity overshadowing all other Italian bikes
of that year. It started the trend of angular designed motorcycles moving away
from traditional round forms. The engine was based on the four-cylinder
Honda CB500, but with two extra cylinders.
The cylinder head fins of the Sei were squared off to provide a cosmetic individuality,
but otherwise the engine is in most respects obviously derived from the Honda.
The "angular, bold design" was by Carrozzeria Ghia.
It produced 76 bhp (57 kW) at 9,000 rpm, had a top speed of around 127 mph (204 km/h)
and was one of the smoothest European tourers.
Despite the extra cylinders, the Sei's width was kept to a minimum by siting the alternator
(which, on the Honda, is at the left-hand end of the crankshaft) behind the cylinders.
Cooling was improved by having air passages between the cylinders;
the Sei had three Dell'Orto VHB 24 mm carburetors (the Honda CB 500 had four,
for four cylinders).The vehicle appeared to reviewers as heavy and cumbersome
but handled surprising well, and had a unique signature exhaust note from its six mufflers.
The Benelli 750 Six remained the only six-cylinder motorcycle in production
until the entrance of the Honda CBX in 1978.

We Love Checkered....

(Japanese "Eyebrow")

Kawasaki W800

Old School Bee Em Double You

Classic Superbikes met Historie...

Harley Davidson XL Hardtail

""Harley Davidson Custom """

Harley Davidson V-Rod Special Custom build

Royal Enfields

"Freestyle Design "

Harley 2009

Yamaha R1


Moto Guzzi


"Koperen Ploert" (Yamaha)





Speed Triple "Pretty in Pink" one off.

"Hans Blom Special"

Tasje erbij..en klaar...

Thruxton T100

^^Bonneville T214/ T100 Spirit + /+ Bonneville T100 ^ T214 ^

Bonneville T100


Bonneville T214 Ltd Edition (2015)
Snelheidsrecord Saltflats 1956
Bonneville Utah USA

""Old Chevies Never Die""

Harley Davidson Shovelhead

Safety First

Indian V-twin 600 cc 1929

Indian Chief Classic

Indian Chief Classic

Indian Chief Classic

Indian Chief Classic

Indian Scout

Seyma (Ltd Edition :))

Indian Chieftain Bagger
Indian Roadmaster

Indian Chief Classic

Indian Chief Vintage

Indian Chief Vintage

Indian Chief Vintage

Indian Chief Vintage

Indian Chief vintage


Honda CB



BMW 850R Scrambler

Triumph Thruxton


^^ Moto Guzzi MV50

Sold !

Alweer enige jaren geleden omarmde Polaris Industries, dat vooral bekend is van snowscooters, het merk Victory. Voor de zoveelste keer leek daarmee het Amerikaanse merk uit de vergetelheid te worden gehaald. Het blijkt dat er in Amerika, waar inmiddels 400 dealers zijn, toch behoorlijk doorgewerkt is aan een serie nieuwe modellen. Met als gevolg dat er in de folder voor 2013 wel nieuwe motoren worden gepresenteerd. Met die nieuwe modellen wil Victory dit jaar ook de Europese markt veroveren. In Nederland is al een importeur gevonden en die bereidt zich enthousiast voor op de herintroductie van het merk in ons land.

The Hammer

The High Ball

The Magnum

Met Dank aan de fotobijdragen
van VRM Guest-photographer
Jan de Bruijn.

Motoring George Spauwen
& Jan de Bruijn
& Jan de Bruijn

Tekst & Fotobewerking:
Motoring George

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" No Caketins "