The Dutch National Triumph Day
Beukenrode Doorn 2013

Op Zondag 14 Juli 2013 vond op de sfeervolle Locatie

Landgoed Beukenrode The Dutch National Triumph Day plaats.
Dit grootse event werd georganiseerd door de vier Nederlandse
Triumph Autoclubs, die de handen ineen hebben geslagen,
om zo een groot aantal Triumph Liefhebbers te kunnen bereiken:

Landgoed Beukenrode The Dutch National Triumph Day plaats.
Dit grootse event werd georganiseerd door de vier Nederlandse
Triumph Autoclubs, die de handen ineen hebben geslagen,
om zo een groot aantal Triumph Liefhebbers te kunnen bereiken:

^de CTH Voorzitter Guus van der Krogt &
CTH Secr/PR-man Rene Hustinx ^
was erbij en maakte een volgend
VICTRACE RETRO MEDIA Extended Report En als ik zeg extended report.... dan bedoel ik ook een Extended Report
met weer een ruime selektie aan Foto's (ca. 340 st.),
16 BOMB-Racing 1993-1994-1995 S-VHS CCD II Videosnapshots
33 Victrace Archives Brochures afbeeldingen, 9 Adverts,
o.m. 3-tal Persfoto's en vele Linken !
Hierom VICTRACE MGS > 1963-2013=50 Year Petrolhead.
You CAN have a look at...
So I hope You wil ENJOY IT !

Zo'n 6oo fraaie Triumph Automobielen
waren er te bewonderen...

Al vroeg ging ik op pad ri. Landgoed
Beukenrode te Doorn .

Ik dacht even in de Maandagmorgenfile te zijn beland.

In goed gezelschap op de
Non-Triumph Parking !

Vooralsnog...Hoeden & Petten dus...

Aanvankelijk was het nog wat fris maar dat zou ook hier spoedig
veranderen in een stralende mooie zomerse & warme dag ,
waarvan iedereen volop kon genieten in deze fraaie ambiance.

Onze "Jos" was de Speaker van de dag !

De Mardi Gras Jazz band...

Het was al vroeg Gezellig druk...

Eerst koffie dan maar...

Vervolgens even kennismaken en op Foto de met
uitnodigend Communicatie DNTD Gastheer
Frank Schaap... een hele eer.

Het was al vroeg Gezellig druk...

Eerst koffie dan maar...

Vervolgens even kennismaken en op Foto de met
uitnodigend Communicatie DNTD Gastheer
Frank Schaap... een hele eer.

Er was veel te zien...

van Miniaturen...

tot Union Jack Gadgets...

incl. een heuse Hond...

tot prachtige Handgemaakte Modellen
van Max Derrez

Triumph TR 1 Prototype 1952

uiterst fraai...

de beroemde Triumph TR2 Francorchamps 1955
waarvan ooit maar 22 exemplaren zijn gebouwd.

Triumph Vitesse 2.o Ltr
Convertible 1967

Een hele fraaie Triumph TR2 1955

Zeer aparte kleur...

Triumph Stag 1974 2+2 2973 cc V8 145 PK Top 190 km/u
Productie: 1970-1977 25.9939 st.

Triumph Vitesse Convertible and much more...

*Victrace Archives:

"Did You Hug Your Triumph Today ?"

Triumph Mayflower 1951


Triumph Dolomite Sprint 1978



Triumph Stag 1973 met Hardtop


Triumph Stag V8 Automaat 1974


Triumph TR3 1956

Triumph TR2 1956

Triumph TR7 ^


Wies & Huub amuseerden zich ook prima

in de Auto van Moeders

Triumph TR 2 speed record Car Jabbeke 1953

Triumph TR2 1958


TR 3's

Jos interviewde o.m. Theo Ouborg en enkele trotse Eigenaren...

Triumph Razoredge saloon car 1950

Aanvallen ? ^^

Stewart Sport Tourer 1949
*(Kitcar: Standard Engined & Parts)

TRIUMPH Roadsters


Bond Equipe 2 Ltr GT 1967

Great British Circuit Park Zandvoort 2013

Swallow Doretti 1955

The Swallow Doretti was a two-seater sports car built on Tube chassis
utilizing Triumph TR2,mechanicals, made between 1954 and 1955.
The marque came from Swallow Coachbuilding Co. (1935) Ltd. which was sold
in 1945 by Jaguar (formerly SS Cars Ltd) to the Helliwell Group which was
taken over in 1946 by the British conglomerate, the Tube Investments Group
(TI). The Dorreti name was derived from Dorothy Deen, who Managed the
Western US distributorship Cal Sales.
The first and only model produced by Swallow under TI ownership was the
Doretti, which had a tubular Reynolds 531 Cromolly chassis with a body made
of a steel inner structural skin and aluminium outer. Most cars were supplied
with overdrive and they were capable of 100 mph. 276 MKI cars were made,
including a single fixed head coupe version.
Also two MK II cars The car was designed by in-house engineer
Frank Rainbow, and produced in the TI factory at The Airport, Walsall,
Staffordshire, England.
Production stopped in 1955 when the parent company TI changed policy.
Allegedly, pressure from the British motor industry, most notably Jaguar itself,
led to the cessation of production of the Doretti. It is thought that the
directors of TI were pressured in that in the production of the Doretti sports
car placed TI at an advantage over their customers buying raw materials,
creating a serious conflict of interest.
Performance :
A car with overdrive tested by the British magazine The Motor in 1954 had a
top speed of 100.2 mph (161.3 km/h) and could accelerate from 0-60 mph
(97 km/h) in 12.3 seconds. A fuel consumption of 27.9 miles per imperial
gallon (10.1 L/100 km; 23.2 mpg-US) was recorded.
The test car cost £1,158 including taxes.
The standard version without overdrive cost £1102.
At the time a Triumph TR2 cost £887.

Swallow Doretti 1955

Gezellig toch... Mooi Genieten !


"Dolle Meid met Doggie Ut Fryslan"

Klaar voor de Vakantie...


Triumph TR 250 1969

TR2 & TR 3

Fraaie TR 3's Baby blue

Aap Noot Mies ...Triumph-Edition

TR4 versus TR3

(TR3 Helaas pindakaas, ik pas er echt niet in !)



Fraaie Brochure foto's van destijds...


Gast uit Duitsland...


Triumph 2000 MK I Estate automatic 1969

Triumph Herald Coupe

Mooi toch...

Triumph Dolomite 1850 HL 1980

De Triumph Stag Clubstand...

De Triumph Spitfire Clubstand...

Effe rust dan..

De TR Club Holland Stand


and Moto-build Spares (GB)

Modellen...Modellen Handcrafted...

en de "Jos" Modellen...

Pauline, Richella & Atiyeh,
Gezellige Gastvrouwen dus.


Triumph Dolomite Sprint 1978

in het groen dan...

Triumph Dolomite Sprint 1973


Triumph TR4 A

Dash TR4A / Triumph TR3A 1969

TR3 Overwinning

Ian Titherington Driving a TR3A to 2nd
in Class at the 1958 Alpine Rally.
In 1958, the Triumph Works Rally Team consisted of 5 lime green TR3As.
The car shown below is one of those cars and in fact,
is the same car shown above in action during the 1958 Alpine Rally.

Triumph Works Rally TR3A

#16 Equipe: Slotemaker - Grellin
A Triumph TR3A at the Finish of the 1960 Tulip Rally
(Bron: Gentlemen Drivers)

Zeer Fraai exemplaar Triumph Courier Van 1964


Triumph TR 250 1968

TR 3

(Persfoto: Triumph TR 6)


De Jury jureert...Triumph TR6 PI 1973

Triumph TR4 1963



Triumph TR3 1957

Triumph TR4 1964

Triumph TR7 1977


Triumph TR6 met fraaie Hardtop (B)

Triumph TR6 1974 (US Specs)


*Triumph Herald 12/50 Cabriolet 1967

(*Ex-Gert Te Lintelo)

"Dorstige Jongens ?"

Fraaie Triumph Stags V8

Triumph Stag 1974 V8 Automaat (US Specs)


Triumph TR 3A 1959

Toen al in metallic paint

Nico Baas stelt de Motoren af...


De Puch Club kwam ook even langs met hun Brommers...

Piet Mozes fraaie gerestaureerde TR 250

De Sectie Regio Midden...

bij de Catering...

De Mardi gras Jazzband in actie.

Sonax Car Care

S-VHS CCD II Video-snapshots
BOMB Racing 1993-1994-1995

Arthur Denzler

Triumph Spitfire le Mans Replica 1965
1150 cc 4cyl. 8 Poorts 115 PK aan de krukas
92 PK aan de achteras
Opgebouwd volgens Homolgatienr: 85
Gewicht: 680 KG

'65 Le Mans: Before The Start Spifire Squadron

Spares & Laswerk

Op naar de prijsuitreiking dan maar vast...

Triumph 2000 Italia
The Triumph Italia 2000 Coupé was built between 1959 and 1962,
during which time 329 cars were produced.
Designed by Giovanni Michelotti, the TR3 chassis and mechanical components
were supplied by the Triumph Motor Company in the United Kingdom,
and built by Alfredo Vignale in Turin, Italy.
By most accounts, only 329 of the hand-formed bodied TR3s were ever
built – known as the Triumph Italia 2000 Coupé.
Designed by Giovanni Michelotti and built by Alfredo Vignale in Turin,
under contract to Ruffino S.p.A. Industria Construzione Automobile of Naples
– it was thought that these cars would appeal to people willing to spend
more for the dependability and ease of obtaining stock mechanical parts,
but who wanted a better looking car than the standard Triumph
- "Italian bodywork at its best,
British tradition in sports car engineering at its finest.”
At the time, Signore Salvatore Ruffino was the managing Director of CESAC,
the Italian company that distributed Standard-Triumph in Italy.
He approached Standard-Triumph to supply chassis and mechanical
components to build 1,000 cars. The introduction of the closed-top,
two seater was well received at the 1958 Turin Motor Show
– “Italian artistry and British craftsmanship have come together
and produced this new, superlative Italia 2000 Coupé.”
Vignale began production in July 1959 with only a few changes to the original
– rather than a slanting nose and covered glass headlights displayed on
the prototype, a look similar to Michelotti’s Maserati 3500 design
was produced. And although the two prototypes had some aluminum
body panels, all Italias used steel.
Cars came through with Ascari mufflers with a distinctive
and melodious tone, and the original Triumph electric overdrive
switch was moved from its left-hand dash-mounted position
to an under-dash spot right above the gear shift,
providing faster, more convenient downshifting out
of overdrive in turns at high speeds.
Ruffino envisioned building 1.000 cars, between 1960 and 1962,
with worldwide distribution including the American marketplace.
He had a verbal agreement to have every Triumph dealer (720)
purchase an Italia.
The Italia never became an official model of Standard-Triumph.
However, Ruffino’s vision didn't come to pass for a number of reasons.
Faced with ensuing financial and labor problems,
Standard-Triumph was taken over by Leyland Motors in 1961.
Shortly afterwards, Triumph withdrew their support for the Italia.
Perhaps fearing increased competition, Triumph concentrated
their efforts on the new TR4 to be released in 1962.
The TR4, also designed by Michelotti, clearly borrowed many elements
from the Italia - the distinctive bonnet bulge,
kick-up door with wind-up windows, and roomier modern body design.
Despite Triumph's pull out, Ruffino S.p.A. re-badged the car as the Italia 2000
and continued production. Over a three-year production period
(mid-1959 to mid-1962) Vignale produced approximately 329 cars.
Most were left-hand drive with the probable exception of six cars.
The last run of roughly 35 cars were based on the modified
TR3B chassis rather that theTR3A, and benefited from the improved gearbox
that had been developed for the TR4.
Most Italia sales in America were handled by Stutz Plaisted Imports
(Salem, Massachusetts). Even though production at Vignale came to a
close in 1962, some of the last cars remained unsold until 1965.
Slow sales can be attributed to the expensive $5,000 price tag
($1,000 premium over the TR3) and
since body parts were not stocked outside Italy,
buyers wererequired to sign a release form of acknowledgment.
(Bron: Wikipedia)

Triumph Italia 2000 uit 1962
( 2012)

Op Techno Classica Essen 2012 stond deze fraaie Triumph Italia 2000 1960
(By Vignale Carrozzeria)

"Macho Bonnet" / Vignale Carrozzeria

Triumph Italia 2000 1960

(TR3 Helaas pindakaas, ik pas er echt niet in !)

Triumph Spitfire 4 MK II 1965

Triumph Vitesse MK II 2.0 Ltr "Evo" Convertible 1970

Triumph TR 250 1968

Triumph TR 250 1968

Triumph TR3 1956

Het Jachthuis Landgoed
Beukenrode te Doorn

Enkele van de vele Genomineerden...

(Pers: Foto's)

^Triumph 2000 MK I Estate automatic 1969

" De Bekers ! "

Triumph TR 250 1968

Triumph TR2 1954

Rob Slotemaker en Maus Gatsonides bij een TR2
na afloop van de Coupe des Alpes in 1954
(foto: Autoblog)

Triumph TR2 1955

The Pre-1940 Triumph Motor Club

Triumph Gloria 1935

De Trotse Eigenaar: Bert Mooijekind
won met deze Triumph Gloria uit 1935
de 1e prijs Meguiar's Concours d Élegance

a real vintage British Beauty !

*Bert & MGS *(al eerder ontmoet)
Bert ...Proficiat !


The Dutch National Triumph day 2013

De Trotse Eigenaar: Bert Mooijekind
won met deze Triumph Gloria uit 1935

De CTH Voorzitter Guus van der Krogt reikte
samen met TC-man Frank Camphuizen de Prijzen uit !

De Jury werd ook bedankt !

De Mayflower...

Best Of Show 2013
Triumph TR2 1955

Triumph TR6 1972


Triumph Spitfire 1963

Triumph TR2 1956

Foto- & Video Snapshots,
Pers-Foto's & Brochure-Archief
Tekst bewerking:
Pers-Foto's & Brochure-Archief
Tekst bewerking:
Motoring George Spauwen.



(Spitfire Dinky Toy)


(Spitfire Dinky Toy)